Tag Archives: #SHRM18

This is a post that has been lingering in both my mind and on my hard drive for while. While there is certainly some love spoken about, pain and emptiness are part of this story too. I believe the reason … Continue reading

Posted on by Bradley Galin | 9 Comments

29 pieces

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Twenty-nine. That is the number of pieces of mail I received from vendors in the lead up to the opening of #SHRM18 in Chicago tomorrow. As someone who has been blessed to attend multiple of these annual extravaganzas of everything … Continue reading

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Screaming at my technology

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This week I have been fighting a regular battle with my HRIS. For those not in the know, HRIS stands for Human Resource Information System. If an uninterested observer were watching this battle unfold, I believe they would unequivocally state … Continue reading

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