Category Archives: Uncategorized


Like many of you in the United States, I attended fireworks with my family over this Fourth of July weekend. This prompted discussion among us about previous holidays and the traditions that accompany them. My wife reminisced about watching fireworks … Continue reading

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Bad to Good

This gallery contains 1 photo.

We all have them -> Bad days, which then lead to bad weeks. Last week was one such week for me. Between issues erupting at work that greatly tested my patience and an event involving my son, a car, and … Continue reading

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The power of words

As someone who like to write on a regular basis, I remain amazed at the frequency I see improper use of words.  While some are painfully incorrect (saying “I saw that two”, instead of “too”) others simply cause confusion and … Continue reading

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Embracing the options brought by the snow and cold!

As I work from home on the frigid January day, I cannot help but marvel at the changes that technology has allowed us to have, for those of us willing to embrace it.  One of the ways that we in … Continue reading

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Something to be excited about!

As the SHRM Annual conference approaches, my wife asked me what I was most looking forward to during my time at the conference. While she asked about the speakers and the sessions, my thoughts immediately went to my many colleagues … Continue reading

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Technical difficulty resolved!

After a month or so of being unable to log-in to the admin side of the blog, the issues have been cleared (and I know a bit more about computer programming) and new posts will resume. One is poised and … Continue reading

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Even with Technology, it’s still about People

I had the opportunity to attend my first HR Technology Expo two weeks ago in Chicago.  At the suggestion of a colleague, I registered to walk the tradeshow floor which enabled me to speak with the vendors who came to … Continue reading

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The Importance of History

This weekend I am lucky to gather with much of my extended family as we celebrate the wedding of my cousin Alexandra. We have taken this opportunity to come together and have a family reunion. As frequently happens when families … Continue reading

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Thinking about risk

My wife and I have been talking about risk lately (although not necessarily labeling it that way).  There are certainly things that are risky when we do them.  Riding a motorcycle without a helmet, letting an untrained 2 year old … Continue reading

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Learn, share, and grow

As many of you know, I am active on the Indiana State Council of SHRM and have been since 2006.  During my tenure on the council, my roles have evolved and for the last three (3) years, I have been … Continue reading

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