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Good teams

For the 1st time in my nearly six years as the HR Director in our local school district, I have the opportunity to hire someone onto my own team. This is prompted by the retirement of one of my team … Continue reading

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10 Percent

In my world, so far, 2019 hasn’t been a year worth savoring or celebrating. The combination of crappy winter weather (otherwise known as living in SW Michigan!), the sudden death of a valued colleague because of the winter weather, and … Continue reading

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Inspiration can be anywhere

Inspiration can be defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. It’s said that Salvador Dali found inspiration for his famous painting The Persistence of Memory by seeing melting Camembert … Continue reading

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29 pieces

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Twenty-nine. That is the number of pieces of mail I received from vendors in the lead up to the opening of #SHRM18 in Chicago tomorrow. As someone who has been blessed to attend multiple of these annual extravaganzas of everything … Continue reading

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Screaming at my technology

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This week I have been fighting a regular battle with my HRIS. For those not in the know, HRIS stands for Human Resource Information System. If an uninterested observer were watching this battle unfold, I believe they would unequivocally state … Continue reading

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The lessons from first jobs

All of us had a first job at some point. The question I ask now that some of our careers have gone 10, 20, even 30 years on; what lessons from our first jobs are we carrying with us today? … Continue reading

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Clean vs. Cluttered

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Well, there is no clear consensus on how we like our desks to look. Not a surprising result, yet instructive on how we each look at the world. Despite yesterday being #CleanOffYourDesk Day, I get the distinct impression that is … Continue reading

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12 years

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Twelve years is a long time to do anything. For the last 12 years I’ve been fortunate to serve as a volunteer leader for the Indiana State Council of SHRM. In that time we’ve accomplished a great many things together. … Continue reading

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Comfortable being Uncomfortable

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A theme that was highlighted during this year’s SHRM Volunteer Leader Summitwas “being comfortable being uncomfortable.” Three different speakers I heard (including two of the keynote presentations) used the phrase and emphasized the concept. It’s a phrase being used more … Continue reading

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Everyday or Extraordinary?

Is it possible that the things we experience as everyday occurrences are actually extraordinary? Summer evenings in my home had many of the same things that anyone would experience. Kids chasing fireflies, the music of ice cream trucks, and lots … Continue reading

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