4 ways to tell if your HR department is like Congress

You’ve likely heard the classic line:

‘If the opposite of pro is con, then the opposite of progress must be Congress…”

Are you accomplishing as much as the entity that calls this home?

Unfortunately, given the state that we find ourselves in right now, that is quite true.  Since the new Congress began in January 2012, only 15 bills introduced have become law.  That’s less than one law for each month that Congress has been in session!  No matter your political persuasion, that meets the definition of a “do nothing” organization.

As you reflect on this stellar record of accomplishment, keep a few things in mind.

  1. We are paying for this (both directly and indirectly)
  2. Change is not on the immediate horizon
  3. You too may be guilty of acting this way

Odds are that the first two statements above have met with little opposition.  However, that third one may strike some of you as harsh.  Well, ask yourself these questions…

  1. Is your HR department regarded as a “necessary evil” and nothing more?
  2. How many processes owned by HR are necessary for the good of the organization?  If they do not benefit the organization or are not legally required, why are you insisting on doing them?!?
  3. When was the last time and innovation that had a positive impact on your organization either originated or was housed in HR?  Asked another way, do good ideas go to HR in order to die?
  4. Does HR leadership have an understanding of the organization and its mission, vision, and values?  Just as those in Congress seem disconnected from everyday life in the US, many HR professionals do not have a critical understanding of the business they are in.

So, are you going to accomplish something more than your Congressional representative this month?  Remember, they are on recess during the month of August.  While some will work hard during this break, many will not.  Here is your chance to leap ahead and be valuable and worthy of reelection!

Photo Credit – The Fiscal Times

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