Tag Archives: Trust

This is a post that has been lingering in both my mind and on my hard drive for while. While there is certainly some love spoken about, pain and emptiness are part of this story too. I believe the reason … Continue reading

Posted on by Bradley Galin | 9 Comments

Inspiration can be anywhere

Inspiration can be defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. It’s said that Salvador Dali found inspiration for his famous painting The Persistence of Memory by seeing melting Camembert … Continue reading

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My own Week 2 reflection – the Biology of HR

This week’s question for reflection was: When you were a child, what did you want to do and did it have any impact on what you ultimately became? Starting early on, like many boys I had the fascination with being … Continue reading

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Reflection – My 1st professional mentor

The answer to my first question in my reflection series which was: Who is someone who greatly influenced you in your early career? As I think back to my first “real job” after college, it takes me back to Cincinnati … Continue reading

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A new series with new questions

Over the next few months on RollerCoasterHR, I am going to write a series based on questions that others may want to explore as well. For me, they will serve to help me further define my personal brand and magnify … Continue reading

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I spent a wonderful 24 hours last weekend in my former home of Bloomington, Indiana.  The trip served as an early birthday present for my better half. However, it also triggered some thoughts as we reminisced about the past and … Continue reading

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A why is needed to THRIVE

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The theme of the 2015 SHRM Annual Conference is THRIVE. If you’re here and didn’t notice the ten foot tall letters on the stage, then please exit stage left and re-enter the room! Hank Jackson, the CEO of SHRM, echoed … Continue reading

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Finding the pieces

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Right now we have several puzzles going in our house. While the reason we have them going is not important, they have prompted some great discussions and lessons to my children. These are lessons that many adults in positions of … Continue reading

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That one BIG thing

As 2014 winds down, I find myself looking back on what has been an eventful year. My role as HR Director found me entering into negotiations with labor unions for the first time. All five unions reached agreements (some more … Continue reading

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Are you too formal at work?

In his Monday morning session at #SHRM14, Steve Browne urged those attending his session to be themselves at all times, even at work! Now I know this may frighten some of you as much as the thought of missing out … Continue reading

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