The Path Ahead

The last 3 weeks have been nice ones in the Galin household. While the holidays with its expected hustle and bustle added joy, it was especially nice having my oldest home again after he completed his 1st semester at college.

More than once while he was home, my wife and I remarked about the changes we noticed. While we expected there to be changes, we weren’t certain how they would manifest and what would be different versus the same for this first extended time at home. I can confirm they were positive! I know for me, I am confident that the path ahead for him will be bright, even if it doesn’t exactly follow the path he anticipates. While, like any parent, I hope beyond all hopes that what he wants to do is where he ends up, I know from personal experience that the path ahead is uncertain.

Even as I look at the 19 year old growing before me, I am forced to recognize that my own path ahead is still an unwritten future. This doesn’t bother me in the least and, after some time away, I’ve allowed that same calmness to work for my son as well. I’ve been fortunate that my path has led me to where it has so far. The faith that I have in that for me must be true for my children as well.

The path ahead leads where it is meant to lead

So, as he pulled out of the driveway this afternoon to head back for the Spring semester, my optimism for him matches the optimism I have for my own path too.  I must simply remind myself that every journey has obstacles yet these do not automatically prevent us from moving forward and in some cases provide just the spark needed to accomplish great things. So, the path ahead leads where it is meant to lead. Enjoy the journey and know that growth can come from every step forward we take.

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One Response to The Path Ahead

  1. JTGalin says:

    As your mother, and your son’s grandmother, I am very proud of both of you❣️❣️