Tag Archives: Personal

This is a post that has been lingering in both my mind and on my hard drive for while. While there is certainly some love spoken about, pain and emptiness are part of this story too. I believe the reason … Continue reading

Posted on by Bradley Galin | 9 Comments

10 Percent

In my world, so far, 2019 hasn’t been a year worth savoring or celebrating. The combination of crappy winter weather (otherwise known as living in SW Michigan!), the sudden death of a valued colleague because of the winter weather, and … Continue reading

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The last 3 weeks have been nice ones in the Galin household. While the holidays with its expected hustle and bustle added joy, it was especially nice having my oldest home again after he completed his 1st semester at college. … Continue reading

Posted on by Bradley Galin | 1 Comment

Clean vs. Cluttered

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Well, there is no clear consensus on how we like our desks to look. Not a surprising result, yet instructive on how we each look at the world. Despite yesterday being #CleanOffYourDesk Day, I get the distinct impression that is … Continue reading

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Bright and Lively

Welcome to 2017! The beginning of 2017 is a start for something new in my life. It marks the official launch of my new HR consulting firm, Allegro HR. During the last quarter of 2016, there was work put into … Continue reading

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Everyday or Extraordinary?

Is it possible that the things we experience as everyday occurrences are actually extraordinary? Summer evenings in my home had many of the same things that anyone would experience. Kids chasing fireflies, the music of ice cream trucks, and lots … Continue reading

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Week 4 reflection question

This week’s question is relatively straightforward and a bit personal in nature. Is there a song, piece of music, or sound that you rely on for inspiration? My #HRMusicShare friends should have some great answers for this one!  

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A new series with new questions

Over the next few months on RollerCoasterHR, I am going to write a series based on questions that others may want to explore as well. For me, they will serve to help me further define my personal brand and magnify … Continue reading

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I spent a wonderful 24 hours last weekend in my former home of Bloomington, Indiana.  The trip served as an early birthday present for my better half. However, it also triggered some thoughts as we reminisced about the past and … Continue reading

Posted on by Bradley Galin | Comments Off

It’s the people!

  The title of this post sums up what makes something memorable or not. Yes, it’s the people! For the 5th, 6th or maybe 7th time (sorry I’ve lost count) I was fortunate enough to attend the SHRM Volunteer Leader … Continue reading

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