HR is PR

One reason I enjoy being involved in social media is that it brings together two essential business entities that I enjoy, human resources and public relations.    As a one-time (or is that a recovering?!?) public relations person, I recognize that the functions in HR and PR are often one and the same, although the audiences may differ in their needs.  This public relations mindset is an important facet of HR that can be missed.

Messages must move forward

Much of what we do in HR is communicating with people.  As every good HR pro knows, everyone is different and the requirements to get messages through are as varied as the individuals themselves.  This applies to methods, wording, even the timing of communication that we provide to those we work with on a routine basis.  A diverse message will get through much better than a one dimensional message that may resonate with a few, but leave many out of the communication loop.

A good communication strategy is going to include elements that lead to business success.  In this age of hyper-connectedness, reputation management is one key aspect of this business strategy.  Many of my colleagues in HR are very accomplished at seeing issues with the perspective that will protect an organization’s interests. This is balanced by being able to communicate in such a way that accomplishes the conveying of information that is accurate and informative as well as consistent with the other communications done by the organization.

In an age where organizations are facing increased regulatory requirements, competition for top talent, and evolving technology, the communication piece of managing people will gain importance.  If you haven’t already, take some time and learn some public relations principles from those who do it well (look to a local chapter of PRSA) and reciprocate by sharing some person-to-person tips that may benefit another.  Both of these professions understand that message matters. Even with this understanding, having  the ability to clearly define and communicate it can be a challenge.

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