It’s the people!


Just a few of the people who make for a memorable SHRM VLS – 7 people from 7 states!

The title of this post sums up what makes something memorable or not.

Yes, it’s the people!

For the 5th, 6th or maybe 7th time (sorry I’ve lost count) I was fortunate enough to attend the SHRM Volunteer Leader Summit in Washington DC last week.  I say fortunatebecause as conferences with HR people go, this one is one of my favorites.

Why is it a favorite? Yes, it’s the people!

This conference has become, for me, much more than an opportunity to gain some new ideas and get the latest from SHRM on initiatives and programs being pursued or incentivized over the next year. This conference becomes, more than most others, a reunion among like-minded colleagues friends.

From the time I arrived at the hotel Thursday afternoon until my last moments in Washington, I had the chance to catch-up with the people who share a passion for helping others improve their HR practices and want to see good things happen for their chapters, councils, and companies. While there is a healthy debate in some HR circles about the value provided by organizations like SHRM, there should be little doubt that the people who dedicate the extra hour each week to building something meaningful and sustainable are worthy of knowing and supporting.

It’s the people who contribute to memories, fun conversations, and an exchange of ideas that many HR people are either unwilling or unable to participate in. It does mean going above and beyond.  Yes, there are those who fall into the classic “do no harm” mentality that is pervasive in my field. However, spending time with positive and professional people can have anaffecton us and it is up to each and every one of us to penetrate bad practices and ensure that good comes from the work we do day in and day out.

There are many levels of thanks to go around after this summit. SHRM staff was excellent in their session preparation. There were numerous fellow volunteer leaders (many of whom I am lucky to call friends) who shared their experiences and expertise. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not thank my Indiana SHRM colleagues for allowing me the chance to continue to serve, even though I live in Michigan now!

Why do I stay involved (even when it requires a 4-hour drive to Indianapolis)? You already know the answer, it’s the people!

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One Response to It’s the people!

  1. Harriet Bennett says:

    You guys look like you are really having a ball! Your group sounds interesting.