Tag Archives: Fun

Week 4 reflection question

This week’s question is relatively straightforward and a bit personal in nature. Is there a song, piece of music, or sound that you rely on for inspiration? My #HRMusicShare friends should have some great answers for this one!  

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Reflection – My 1st professional mentor

The answer to my first question in my reflection series which was: Who is someone who greatly influenced you in your early career? As I think back to my first “real job” after college, it takes me back to Cincinnati … Continue reading

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It’s the people!

  The title of this post sums up what makes something memorable or not. Yes, it’s the people! For the 5th, 6th or maybe 7th time (sorry I’ve lost count) I was fortunate enough to attend the SHRM Volunteer Leader … Continue reading

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It’s #TimSackettDay – Here’s to Victorio Milian

Victorio Milian – In honor of #TimSackettDay 2015 As the HR social media community gathers again on-line to honor one of our own, the well-deserving recipient is NYC’s own Victorio Milian. I’ve had the honor of meeting and learning from … Continue reading

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Leisure and Learning

It makes me happy to think about journeying to Orlando in less than two weeks to attend my second SHRM Annual Conference.  Having experienced my first last year, I now know that the event is much bigger than the sessions … Continue reading

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Play is good. 4 tips to do more of it!

The concept of play is very important to us.  As adults, it is easy to lose perspective on the good things that play can do.  Play not only brings joy, but it can lead to better ways to solve problems, … Continue reading

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