Yes, write now!

This is a pivotal week for us. So much to consider, to say, and to do.

I know this hard for many of you, but it’s so important so bear with me for a moment.

If everyone I know would take 10 minutes and write a letter, the difference that can be made is tremendous. There is too much going on right now in this country and in this world to sit and wait while watching it all happen.

Yes, I am referring to you. Take time, write, express your opinion to someone. Even if it doesn’t agree with mine it’s important to be heard.

So often we are afraid of expressing ourselves. Doing so shows vulnerability and that is a state that we humans don’t like. Too bad. As I have stated before, it’s important to become comfortable being uncomfortable. I am here to challenge you again!

Below is the letter I submitted Sunday afternoon to my Congressman, Fred Upton. Now, my representative and I do not agree on some things, do agree on others, and have had one very brief conversation while having lunch (on Election Day 2014) in the same restaurant here in Portage. Whether we agree or not is irrelevant. What matters is that I express my thoughts to my elected representative. There are too many important things happening to leave to chance if someone should think “I wonder what my constituents think?” So my challenge to you is to write now on a subject of importance. Be vocal, visible, and valuable.

January 15, 2017
Dear Representative Upton:
I write to you today as a constituent, an HR professional, and a very concerned citizen.
During the 1st two weeks of this new Congressional term my alarm at the future of this country has never been as strong.
1. The fact that Congressional Republicans made one of their 1st acts a proposal to end the current ethics oversight suggests that the priorities of Republicans is only to preserve themselves and not serve their country. I’m happy this proposal was withdrawn but still concerned that this was the initial thought of our Congressional representatives.
2. While the Affordable Care Act has many flaws and needs a significant overhaul, the complete repeal without having a viable replacement in place will cause incredible destruction to not only some institutions, but to so many families as they face the loss of insurance, the reinstitution of coverage caps and pre-existing condition clauses, and an acceleration of premium costs. I can tell you that premium rate increases, while still high, are going up at a lower rate than they were prior to the passage of the ACA in 2010.
3. Combining the above two items, rules passed by the House prohibiting the Congressional Budget Office from including any costs related to the repeal of the ACA are disingenuous and again appears to demonstrate that lack of ethics is rampant in the Republican caucus.
4. The needs of this country are massive and require solutions that cross party lines. I know you have worked extensively on such issues including championing the recently enacted 21st Century Cures initiative. I hope you will be a voice that seeks solutions on areas of agreement like the need for infrastructure investment, budget stabilization, and securing Social Security and Medicare for the long-term.
I am sending this letter to you directly and also posting it as my weekly blog post in a couple of days. This is no longer the time to be silent and while I consider myself a political junkie, my activism to date has been limited. I had the opportunity to visit your office in November to discuss the changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act and I have written a couple of time previously. This pivotal time is the start of not only my own business, but also an increase in my willingness to engage politically.
Bradley D. Galin, MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

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