Tag Archives: reflection

Create a present focused on the future

The pandemic of 2020 has provided ample opportunity for those of us who need time to think and process to do just that. It’s been a time where the chance to do good work in the moment cannot be lost … Continue reading

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This is a post that has been lingering in both my mind and on my hard drive for while. While there is certainly some love spoken about, pain and emptiness are part of this story too. I believe the reason … Continue reading

Posted on by Bradley Galin | 9 Comments

Inspiration can be anywhere

Inspiration can be defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. It’s said that Salvador Dali found inspiration for his famous painting The Persistence of Memory by seeing melting Camembert … Continue reading

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While I am not one to propose New Years’ Resolutions, I have for the last few years used the One Word approach each January to have a focus for the year. This has worked well for me and for 2019 … Continue reading

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The lessons from first jobs

All of us had a first job at some point. The question I ask now that some of our careers have gone 10, 20, even 30 years on; what lessons from our first jobs are we carrying with us today? … Continue reading

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Clean vs. Cluttered

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Well, there is no clear consensus on how we like our desks to look. Not a surprising result, yet instructive on how we each look at the world. Despite yesterday being #CleanOffYourDesk Day, I get the distinct impression that is … Continue reading

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Comfortable being Uncomfortable

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A theme that was highlighted during this year’s SHRM Volunteer Leader Summitwas “being comfortable being uncomfortable.” Three different speakers I heard (including two of the keynote presentations) used the phrase and emphasized the concept. It’s a phrase being used more … Continue reading

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Week 4 reflection question

This week’s question is relatively straightforward and a bit personal in nature. Is there a song, piece of music, or sound that you rely on for inspiration? My #HRMusicShare friends should have some great answers for this one!  

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It’s all a system

The dilemma that faces me from my own question… What class (in high school, college, or grad school) influences you now in a way that you did not anticipate at the time you originally took the class? There have been … Continue reading

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Reflections – The question for Week 3

This week’s reflection question again looks to the past to establish a link to the present. What class (in high school, college, or grad school) influences you now in a way that you did not anticipate at the time you … Continue reading

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