Tag Archives: HRCI

Confidence in Competence

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Much of the talk at this year’s SHRM Volunteer Leader Summit centered around the newly launched HR certification. My count at the number of mentions of it stopped after I decided if each mention demanded a drink, I would have … Continue reading

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Reporting back

I am fortunate to be able to attend more than my fair share of HR conferences. With more great conferences coming up, I find myself thinking about some conversations with attendees at the last couple of conferences I’ve attended. As … Continue reading

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The Dilution of HR Certification

The continuing saga of dueling HR certifications continues into its second week and the statements continue to come from both sides of the divide. Within the past two days, there have been statements from the SHRM Board Chair (via the … Continue reading

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2 ways to define “competency”

com·pe·tence ˈkämpətəns/ noun noun: competency the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. The recent announcement by SHRM that they are launching their own “competency based” certification has many in the HR world feeling uncomfortable. While discomfort comes to some with … Continue reading

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A conference shouldn’t end at the convention hall door

This post originally appeared on the blog of the Illinois State Council – SHRM as I prepare to be part of the event August 18-20, 2013 in suburban Chicago!  To learn more, click here ——————————————————————————————– “I’m Brad and I’m a … Continue reading

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Learn, share, and grow

As many of you know, I am active on the Indiana State Council of SHRM and have been since 2006.  During my tenure on the council, my roles have evolved and for the last three (3) years, I have been … Continue reading

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HR Certification – its value to me

I always read with interest the debate within the HR community about the value of holding certification of professional credentials, specifically those through the Human Resource Certification Institute.  Since 2003, I have held my SPHR certification and had the PHR … Continue reading

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