Tag Archives: Testing

So…Can I Bring My Bong to Work Now?

The post below was originally written for the internal blog of my employer. The advice and guidance provided is meant to be specific to Michigan and to the organization. However, many employers have similar policies and can adopt similar positions … Continue reading

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Confidence in Competence

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Much of the talk at this year’s SHRM Volunteer Leader Summit centered around the newly launched HR certification. My count at the number of mentions of it stopped after I decided if each mention demanded a drink, I would have … Continue reading

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Education attainment as a workforce issue

In my role as the HR Director for a school system, I now have the chance to see firsthand the efforts needed to link education with the skills needed by employers after a student’s graduation.  Given the growing reliance on … Continue reading

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A new ADA realm to watch?

Working in an organization that serves individuals with developmental disabilities gives me some different perspectives on workplace issues than some of my esteemed HR colleagues.  That is a good thing and brings about some substantive conversation about diversity and identifying … Continue reading

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