Tag Archives: community partnerships

What I am looking forward to at #SHRM16

This gallery contains 1 photo.

As another SHRM Annual conference looms in my immediate future, I find myself looking forward to several things during this time in Washington DC.  On the keynote side of the house, Amy Cuddy (author of Presence) is the one I … Continue reading

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A new series with new questions

Over the next few months on RollerCoasterHR, I am going to write a series based on questions that others may want to explore as well. For me, they will serve to help me further define my personal brand and magnify … Continue reading

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Education attainment as a workforce issue

In my role as the HR Director for a school system, I now have the chance to see firsthand the efforts needed to link education with the skills needed by employers after a student’s graduation.  Given the growing reliance on … Continue reading

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Play is good. 4 tips to do more of it!

The concept of play is very important to us.  As adults, it is easy to lose perspective on the good things that play can do.  Play not only brings joy, but it can lead to better ways to solve problems, … Continue reading

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A punch of irrelevance

Seeing the destruction in Oklahoma after the devastating tornado brings much to perspective.  While I’ve been preoccupied with selling a house, finishing my job at Stone Belt, and shuttling the kids from one activity to another, it suddenly all seems … Continue reading

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Unconnected Knowledge

I have been writing this blog for less than a year but I have been a reader of blogs for much longer.  My faithful Google Reader brings me much joy as I read the blogs of great HR folks throughout … Continue reading

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Disaster preparedness – an opportunity for HR to shine

Do you know what to do in the event of an emergency at work?  I’m not talking about the vending machine running out of someone’s favorite snack or even that same someone cutting their finger.  Think about the tremendous disasters … Continue reading

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